Jenkins vs GitLab CI CD

September 20, 2021

Jenkins vs GitLab CI CD

If you're a DevOps engineer, you know that Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery are critical to delivering high-quality software. The process of automating software development and deployment pipelines has become a must-have for modern applications. Jenkins and GitLab CI CD are popular tools for DevOps teams to build, test, and deploy applications quickly and effectively. In this blog post, we'll compare Jenkins vs GitLab CI CD, and help you to select the best one that suits your needs.


Jenkins is an open-source tool for continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) that helps you automate the building, testing, and deployment of software. It supports a wide range of plugins and integrations that enable developers to customize and extend it to meet their requirements.

GitLab CI CD, on the other hand, is a built-in continuous integration and delivery tool for GitLab. It provides a fast and reliable way to build, test, and deploy applications using a single tool.


Jenkins provides a comprehensive range of plugins that make it an extremely versatile CI/CD tool. It can integrate with various third-party tools, and execute complex automation workflows.

GitLab CI CD, being a built-in feature of GitLab, provides seamless integration with other GitLab tools. It offers powerful CI/CD features that help teams build, test, and deploy applications with ease.


Jenkins is known for its scalability and reliability. It is capable of handling large, complex workflows and can support a large number of projects simultaneously. It has an extensive plugin ecosystem, which makes it highly adaptable to different deployment scenarios.

GitLab CI CD is a fast and efficient CI/CD tool that is built-in with GitLab. It runs builds quickly and offers several optimization features, including cache and incremental building, that can significantly speed up build times.


Jenkins is an open-source tool, which means it's free to use. However, setting up and maintaining Jenkins can require significant resources, especially when you need customization or specific features.

GitLab CI CD is a built-in feature of GitLab that comes with every subscription plan. The cost varies depending on the features and number of users you need, but using GitLab CI CD eliminates the need to set up and maintain a separate CI/CD tool.


Jenkins has had security issues in the past, including vulnerabilities that have been widely exploited. However, Jenkins provides a vast number of plugins that can be used to implement security measures, such as authentication and authorization.

GitLab CI CD, on the other hand, is a more secure tool that provides several built-in security features. It has a container registry and built-in code scanning, which can help prevent security vulnerabilities.


In conclusion, Jenkins and GitLab CI CD are two excellent tools for DevOps teams. Jenkins provides more versatility and customization, while GitLab CI CD offers seamless integration with its other tools and a built-in approach that helps to streamline development workflows.

Ultimately, the choice between Jenkins and GitLab CI CD depends on your organization's specific needs. Before choosing between the two, it's essential to evaluate your requirements carefully, and conduct a pilot test. With that said, you cant go wrong with picking either of the two.


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